V. 20 (2023): Policrisi. Europa, Mediterraneo e scenari globali

Estremisti, radicali o populisti? Sovrapposizioni e intersezioni tra i partiti di destra in Europa

Aurelia Zucaro

Pubblicato 2024-10-03


The latest wave of the extreme right in Europe tells of a crisis within the crisis of
representation: that of identities, which traditional parties but also populist parties in
government and certainly the experiences of technocratic governments, have failed to

rebuild. The result is the decline of the party core structure and the moderate elector-
ate (median voter), leading to the no longer episodic success of right-wing extremist

and radical parties. But what is the extreme right today? And more importantly, who?
In this paper, taking up the taxonomy proposed by Morlino and Raniolo (2022) –
which distinguishes between claiming populisms and identity populisms – and going
further, I focus on the electoral results of the last general elections in Sweden and Italy
to reason about the most recent features of the European radical right, in order to
trace a useful avenue for research to unravel the actual long-term effectiveness of such
parties in shifting the ideological spectrum of Western democracies.