Vol. 20 (2023): Policrisi. Europa, Mediterraneo e scenari globali

Per una narratologia digitale: la natura complessa delle identità sociali

Luigi Somma

Published 03-10-2024


This contribution aims to analyze the social and cultural processes connected to the
mechanisms of identity construction within the media ecosystem of social networks, in
which the ICT revolution has taken on a social dimension. The “ecosystemic” nature

of media and digital platforms requires a systemic approach, which is therefore capa-
ble of grasping the complex interconnections that unite the relationships that bind

media, culture and society around a single tree, albeit in its myriad of intertwined ram-
ifications. Social networks have become both the space to manage and expand one’s

social network and in which to define one’s social identity, through the emergence and
reproduction of mechanisms for managing and selecting one’s Self, which were even
previously unknown. In this sense, narratology, through an analysis of the cultural and

social processes linked to autobiographical narration practices, can represent a privi-
leged key to understanding these phenomena. We can observe in the media spaces of

social networks the emergence of new forms and practices of (self-)narratives, which
contribute to determining our personal and social identities.