Vol. 20 (2023): Policrisi. Europa, Mediterraneo e scenari globali

Economia di cura e reddito di base.: Ristrutturare il welfare per dare risposta ai bisogni emergenti

Dalila Di Bartolomeo

Published 03-10-2024


This paper offers some reflections on the social policy instrument of basic income.
In particular, the reflections touch on the European scenario and jointly address the

issue of unpaid care work. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into the public de-
bate the issue of the care economy, i.e. all those aspects of the care sector that are

historically placed in the sphere of women’s work (such as health care, domestic work,

child-rearing). Moreover, the post-pandemic economic crisis has exacerbated inequal-
ities with the effect of further relegating care work. The European Union has moved

in the direction of implementing cash-for-care policies, flanking these measures at the
legislative level with protections for care workers. In this framework, the research on
the topic tries to question the sustainability of informal care work and the different

forms of remuneration, and investigates the multiple opportunities arising from a fu-
ture introduction of basic income, declined both in its pure form of universal and

unconditional income and in its different meanings.