No. 15 (2021): Il futuro dell'Europa dopo la pandemia

La crisi pandemica e lo stato dei partiti populisti nel Vecchio Continente. Il fantasma populista si aggira ancora per l’Europa?

Daniele Battista

Published 15-02-2025


  • populism,
  • Europe,
  • European union,
  • far right,
  • Covid-19


This contribution is set within the framework of analyses on populism, through a comparison that aims to explore the health status of European populist parties during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on various operational definitions of populism and referring to the dedicated literature, the contents and responses provided by European populist parties during this phase of health, economic and social emergency are explored. The analyses are based on the collection of polling averages for a period from 1 March 2020 to 31 December 2020. This periodisation provides a broad view of the phenomenon and a consequent picture of the state of the art. On the basis of the data collected, it is possible to point to a downsizing of these forces. However, to date it is hasty to consider these parties on the fringes of the political scenario. Indeed, it cannot be ruled out, also in light of the future socio-economic impact of the pandemic, that populism may experience a new season of success at the very end of the health crisis, also in light of the responses and discourses it will be able to articulate.