No. 17 (2022): Studiare i megatrend per esplorare il futuro

Italian museums grappling with the future, between intransigent resistance and inevitable change

Damiano Aliprandi
Francesca Fattorini

Published 03-02-2025


  • museums,
  • future of museums,
  • megatrend


Italian museums are grappling with adapting to two megatrends that have long been in action in our country: the transition from analogue to digital of an increasing number of services and the progressive ageing of the Italian population. Phenomena that are not new but which have found museum institutions unprepared, forcing them to rethink only because of the pandemic shock. Examples that show the difficulty of reading in advance the implications of ongoing phenomena because, erroneously, they are considered external, marginal or with little influence on their operations.