No. 22 (2024): Il Prometeo digitale: cinema, mito e narrazioni del futuro

Remedy of the myth: Tolkien's work and the video game Elden Ring

Giulia Pellegrino

Published 21-01-2025


  • Comparative Studies,
  • Remediation,
  • Intermediality,
  • Literature,
  • Videogame


The paper analyzes the hybridization between myth and literary narrative in the videogame imaginary using a comparative method aimed at highlighting the link between the videogame Elden Ring, produced by Hidetaka Miyazaki and G.R.R. Martin, and J.R.R.Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. The analysis aims to highlight how the specific language of the videogame allow for a remediation of the Norse myth, capturing “thematic constants” and interrelationships with factors belonging to the “extra videogame” sphere.