Vol 20 (2023): Policrisi. Europa, Mediterraneo e scenari globali

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Faced with the escalation of war in a global framework made critical by the effects of the Anthropocene, the term "polycrisis" has begun to impose itself to designate a present and above all a future of systemic crises of the international system. The multiple scenarios of war in progress or in power politicize with other means – that is, military – the numerous fault lines of the international political scenario, polarizing them radically and dramatically reducing the spaces for mediation. But the greater the international institutional crisis, the greater the need for a formal and substantial democratization of institutions and actors, including those of international civil society: putting this issue back at the center is essential in order not to resign ourselves to a future of militarism, authoritarianism and new nationalisms/supremacisms, moreover potentially or de facto transversal to political regimes. Futures Studies can help to dismantle deterministic fatalism and put at the center, also and above all for the global political order, an idea of a desirable future towards which to move with renewed awareness.





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