N. 19 (2023): Corpi performativi. Il progetto verso il futuro, fra arti multimediali e aurore digitali

Corpi, Macchine e Zombies: La rappresentazione di Körper e Leib nei futuri di Horizon e The Last of Us

Marco Favaro

Pubblicato 21-01-2025

Parole chiave

  • Future,
  • Anatomy


What is the body’s future? Will humankind move away from its factual dimension,
increasingly turning to a technological transcendence, or will we be reminded that, despite
our scientific and technological power, we remain flesh and blood? By focusing on The Last
of Us and Horizon, two video games whose narratives take place in the future, the article
investigates the role that the body assumes and how it is represented in future scenarios.
The two virtual universes created by Naughty Dog and Guerrilla are artworks, through
which we can try to sense the art’s future. Will it move away, from the factual dimension as
the digital medium seems to suggest, or will it be forced to rediscover it?