N. 21 (2024): Futuri (im)possibili

La valutazione delle capacità genitoriali e l’apporto dell’AI

Cristina Mingo

Pubblicato 17-10-2024


Parole chiave

  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • Parenting


With the undeniable advancement of artificial intelligence, it is obvious to ask whether
artificial intelligence systems are able, with the inclusion of standards in the algorithmic
function, to confer greater scientificity to evidentiary data in areas such as the evaluation of
parental skills, a field very delicate in which the primary interest must be that of the minor,

as the machine itself would not be able to perceive signals such as tone of voice, facial ex-
pressions, emotional reaction to a certain affirmation or denial. If on the one hand artificial

intelligence could avoid prejudices and conditioning that are typical of human beings, on
the other, however, they could invalidate the decision by lacking that human part, which
in certain fields of law cannot be left out. It could be useful to set up AI systems that assist

the consultant and are able to operate on the analysis of the personality, family relation-
ships, parenting skills and testimonial reliability of adults and minors. The CTU, having to

analyze the machine’s decision-making process, would find itself comparing it with its own
and this would effectively force the expert to review his reasoning and ask himself whether
he has explored all the points that the AI deemed important for the decision made or, on
the contrary, gave weight to other factors that should have been less decisive. Ultimately, it
would be an AI-powered decision support system.