N. 21 (2024): Futuri (im)possibili

The Ultimate High Ground:: un’analisi interdisciplinare della corsa allo spazio e il ruolo dello storico per anticipare il futuro

Federica Giaccio

Pubblicato 17-10-2024


Parole chiave

  • Space Exploration,
  • Study,
  • History


Space exploration is a fascinating topic that requires interdisciplinary analysis. This

article will delve into the legal and historical aspects of space exploration to better under-
stand the strategies and effects of the spatial policies during the first space age. The concept

of high ground has played a significant role in space exploration. It refers to the strategic

advantage that comes with controlling high ground, such as the ability to survey and con-
trol the surrounding territory. The idea of high ground has been used in the past by various

nations to justify their territorial claims and to establish strategic dominance. Public His-
tory is a valid method to better understand the implications of this concept in the context

of space exploration. Finally, will be analyzed the role that professional historians play in
the study of the future of space politics and diplomacy: historians may have a crucial role
to play in shaping the future of space exploration. By analyzing the past, they can provide
valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. They can also help
policymakers and other stakeholders make informed decisions that will shape the future of
space exploration, ensuring that it benefits all of humanity.