N. 21 (2024): Futuri (im)possibili

L’immaginazione immersiva

Matteo Ficara

Pubblicato 17-10-2024


Parole chiave

  • Engaging,
  • Research,
  • Study


Immaginazione Immersiva® (immersive imagination) explores the role of imagination
for foresight strategies. Imagination influences decision making, creativity, empathy, and even

physical rehabilitation. This unique faculty is critical for imagining future scenarios, encour-
aging divergent thinking, and challenging biases. Imagination makes future exercises more

engaging, going beyond traditional brainstorming and bringing individuals into immersive

simulations of reality. It is an inclusive and accessible practice, which does not require spe-
cialized knowledge. Over the course of 15 years, my research has transformed immersive

imagination into a practice capable of autonomously generating future scenarios or support-
ing existing future methodologies. Immersive experiences are based on involvement, sensory

stimulation and empathy and aim to provide key outputs not achievable through conven-
tional thinking, through specific construction rules of preparation, storytelling and feedback.

It is used as a foresight tool to improve future skills training, challenging existing visions,
enriching speculative work and generating alternatives, thus giving birth to vivid scenarios.