N. 21 (2024): Futuri (im)possibili

Affrontare sfide sociotecniche guardando al futuro:: l’Osservatorio sulle tendenze e le applicazioni del Supercalcolo

Eleonora Barelli

Pubblicato 17-10-2024


Parole chiave

  • Future,
  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • Study


Nowadays, addressing the problem of the adoption of technological innovations be-
tween research, the market, and society entails significant challenges. Firstly, there’s a lack

of societal integration of science and technology, hindering the dissemination of advance-
ments like Artificial Intelligence, supercomputing and quantum computing. Secondly, the

rapid pace of technological change surpasses organizations’ adaptation abilities, necessi-
tating heightened awareness creation. Thirdly, the misalignment between academia and

businesses hampers innovative solution implementation. The National Research Center
of Applied Research on High-Performance Computing has established an Observatory to
address these socio-technical challenges, aiming to connect research entities, businesses,

startups, and public administrations in a complex ecosystem. Through a Futures Stud-
ies-inspired approach, the Observatory seeks not only to provide immediate solutions but

also to envision potential future scenarios resulting from technological transfer paradigms.