N. 21 (2024): Futuri (im)possibili

Un’Agenda Globale sui Futuri dal World Futures Day 2022

Mara Di Berardo
Simone Di Zio

Pubblicato 07-10-2024 — Aggiornato il 23-01-2025


Parole chiave

  • Innovative,
  • World Futures Day,
  • Event,
  • Future,
  • Global Foresight


World Futures Day (WFD) is a 24-h round-the-world global conversation about the futures and represents a new kind of participatory futures method. Launched for the first time by The Millennium Project in 2014, WFD on March 1 evokes innovative ideas and solutions to major challenges by sharing knowledge and supporting collective intelligence. The paper summarizes the main future-oriented topics discussed during WFD 2022, ninth edition of the event, following a mixed methods approach analysis. The Global Futures
Agenda 2022 is composed of four thematic clusters including their topics and contents. Cluster 1 on complex solutions for complex problems includes topics related to suggestions and solutions for future pandemics, wars, space, earth, food, cities and governance. Cluster 2 on a hyper-technological humanity includes topics related to robots, changes in cognitive abilities, cyber dictatorship, pluriverses, trans-human world, and AI global governance system. Cluster 3 on education and learning includes topics related to learning with AI, new metaskills, experiential learning for creativity, and futuring everyone. Cluster 4 on improving global foresight includes topics related to changes in Futures Studies, a surprise theory, types of futuring, futures competences, scenarios as literature, and our common threats and agenda.