N. 20 (2023): Policrisi. Europa, Mediterraneo e scenari globali

Neuroteologia ed ecologia della mente: frontiere per un nuovo sincretismo: frontiere per un nuovo sincretismo

Alessandro Gelao

Pubblicato 03-10-2024 — Aggiornato il 23-01-2025



In its always hasting development, scientific discourse has often revolutionized itself to reconsider its paradigms. In a world that discover itself everyday more informationally and ontologically interconnected, the traditional dichotomies are crumbling, pressed by the need of broader systematic articulation. The same age-old distinction between science and religion, in the new technological ecosistem where spiritual hopes and anxieties intermingle with scientific fact and fiction, urge for a new framework to open up new possibilities of dialogue. We will discuss some of these new perspectives, such as the transhumanist “Apocalyptic AI” movement and the “New Animism” of system theory enthusiasts, to explore how different perspectives on the scientific discourses of the past – with a particular focus on evolution theory – influence our spiritual tension to the future, aiding the analysis with some insights emerging from a new field of scienfitic inquiry on religion: Neurotheology.