V. 20 (2023): Policrisi. Europa, Mediterraneo e scenari globali

In viaggio verso il futuro: come il turismo del futuro influenzerà i modi di abitare la realtà e il virtuale

Mariangela Sabato
Mascia Di Torrice
Carolina Facioni

Pubblicato 2024-10-03



The tourist demand is constantly changing, together with the society that express-
es it. An analysis of these changes is possible in light of the epidemiological events,

but there are also aspects due to technological development, habit changes, fashion,
and many other elements. Therefore, given the number of aspects involved, it makes
sense to consider the tourism demand as a complex phenomenon. Therefore, studying
tourism can be an extremely interesting tool for understanding social changes in terms
of new behaviours, emerging needs, or, conversely, real or perceived limitations. It also
means snooping into the society of the future and investigating its possible trajectories.

Although it was not the only cause of the change in the idea of traveling, the Cov-
id-19 pandemic had an undeniable effect of speeding up some already existing related

trends. The work will try to outline tourism’s emerging scenarios by integrating Italian
official statistical sources and other thematic sources on tourism.