N. 20 (2023): Policrisi. Europa, Mediterraneo e scenari globali

La società del domani. La ristrutturazione del legame sociale tra pandemia e trasformazione digitale: La ristrutturazione del legame sociale tra pandemia e trasformazione digitale

Elena Savona

Pubblicato 03-10-2024 — Aggiornato il 23-01-2025



At the time of Covid-19 pandemic, another emergency also stimulated the debate of the scientific community: infodemic. Infodemic – according to Manfredi (2015) – is a “disinformation pandemic”, a communicative crisis characterized by the “overabundance” (Bloomfield et al., 2021) and the “viral spread” (Gruzd et al., 2021) of information and data online and offline about the health emergency. Fake news, erroneous or sometimes conflicting information, alternative visions to the mainstream punctuated the communicative universe and produced a symbolic “pollution” (Douglas, 2021; Camorrino, Savona, 2023). More precisely, the edge between true and false seemed to fade. In this sense, the analysis of vaccine hesitancy will help highlight the role of the infodemic in the spreading of some different imaginaries linked to the pandemic. Among these, I will focus the attention on the conspirative imaginary. Explore – thanks to the Cultural theory and Cultural Sociology perspectives – the effects that infodemic may have produced on social practices and social bonds is the aim of this paper.