N. 16 (2021): Democratizzare i futuri

Montagna 4.0: visioni al 2040 per co-progettare futuri desiderabili e strategie di sviluppo robuste per la montagna

Maria Chiara Cattaneo
Elena Enrica Giunta
Rocco Scolozzi

Pubblicato 08-02-2025

Parole chiave

  • climate change,
  • tourism,
  • mountains,
  • alpes


The Alpine region will be increasingly subject to the impacts of megatrends such as climate change, growing global demand for tourism, technological skills gaps and youth employment. Potential conflicts between recreational uses of mountains, between different types of tourism, between tourists and local communities can be envisaged: the ‘Montagna 4.0’ project addresses these issues in an exercise in democratising collective futures.