N. 16 (2021): Democratizzare i futuri

Futuri (im)perfetti. Il domani desiderato di chi non ha voce

Cristina Bertazzoni
Domenico Morreale
Roby Parissi

Pubblicato 08-02-2025

Parole chiave

  • aspirations,
  • young,
  • imaginary,
  • future capacity


The weakening of the ability to aspire in young people exposes communities to increasing inequality, social immobility, a sense of powerlessness, resentment and fear of the other. In order to reverse this trend, the project ‘Futuri (im)perfetti - Il domani possibile di chi non ha voce’ investigated the representations of the future developed by young people under 30, identifying the mediators of the social imaginary between utopian and dystopian representations of tomorrow.