N. 21 (2024): Futuri (im)possibili

Understanding ChatGpt Users: A Digital Ethnography Approach on Discord

Caterina Ambrosio
Vincenzo Laezza

Pubblicato 17-10-2024 — Aggiornato il 23-01-2025



This study is situated within the realm of digital sociology research, given the recognized necessity for social sciences intervention on this subject. The aim of this work is to explore the communicative dimensions and characteristics of the discussion surrounding ChatGpt two months after its launch. Discord – relatively underexplored but with considerable potential – was selected to achieve this goal. Specifically, digital ethnography was employed as the analytical strategy. The results demonstrate a clear interest among users in understanding the platform, not only in its technical dimension but also in its social aspect. This reaffirms the imperative for sociology to address such issues. The study contributes to the understanding of new technologies and underscores the importance of social media as platforms for such discussions. Moreover, the use of digital ethnography on Discord represents an innovative methodology for exploring these communicative dynamics.