N. 21 (2024): Futuri (im)possibili

Umanità e alimentazione nel futuro Tra cibo globalizzato, alimenti da laboratorio e frutti del genius loci

Gisela Solymos
Maria Teresa Gatti

Pubblicato 17-10-2024


Food is a fundamental and basic need, but it has also shaped civilizations, history, knowledge, and industries. A future of quality food for all, while respecting environmental sustainability, will further underscore its complexity. Possible future scenarios include:

  • Global Syndemic: Homogenized Foods - Unhealthy diets exacerbate health and climate issues.
  • Local Syndemic: Decline of Diversity - Protectionism reduces food diversity and depletes resources.
  • Laboratory Life: Artificial Food Future - Sustainability controls create exclusive artificial food systems.
  • Supply Chains from Genius Loci: Sustainable Generativity - Community-driven systems respect local traditions and biodiversity.

Social factors, such as inequalities, and cultural factors, will play a crucial role in shaping future food systems. Transformative elements, like humans emerging as agents of sustainable generativity and integral ecology (as noted by Pope Francis), could guide us toward the most desirable food system futures.